Category: English

two girls hugging happily

Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking: What You Should Know

If your child sucks on a pacifier or their thumb, then you may be concerned about how this habit could affect their tooth development. In some cases, this habit can be harmful to the child’s overall health of teeth. However, even if your child engages in this habit, their teeth can still come in perfectly fine. Here are some things to know about thumb and pacifier use, how it affects your child’s teeth, and how to stop the habit.

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smiling girl with beautiful healthy teeth

What Kids Should Know About Protecting Tooth Enamel

Children need to learn how to protect the enamel on their teeth. Although young children may lose their baby teeth over time, the habits they form as young children are likely to continue as they grow up. Kids can easily develop a good habit now than learn how to break a bad one later. As your kids’ permanent teeth grow in, your kids should learn to care for them, too.

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girl with beautiful smile

Root Canal Therapy for Kids: An FAQ

At Kids Choice Dental, we understand that children’s teeth can suffer from an even greater vulnerability to damage or disease than those of adults, due partly to the fact that baby teeth have thinner enamel than permanent teeth. As a result, your child may require occasional treatment for cavities or even infections of the teeth’s root canals.

If you have never thought of root canal therapy as a pediatric dental option, discover what you should know about it. Check out these answers to frequently asked questions about root canal therapy for kids.

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